Monday, December 14, 2009

St. Vincent is my winter

I end up always unknowingly ordain a certain band for each season. There is always just one album that it the perfect soundtrack along with the change of each season. This past summer was Animal Collective's album "Merriweather Post Pavilion." My fall soundtrack was dominated by the bittersweet feel of Girls along side the Vivian Girls. The winter of 2007 was Rilo Kiley's "Under the Blacklight."

This year my winter is full of St. Vincent. I'm basically obsessed. I was very hesitant of Annie Clark's darkness, but soon realized it is a beautiful darkness. I also came to the conclusion that those two words do not sum up St. Vincent's sound, not even a little bit. "Actor" is one of those very rare albums where I like all of the songs. Well, I like one or two and I ADORE/LOVE/JUST LOOSE IT OVER the rest of the tracks. I continued my St. Vincent journey and got the other cd "Marry Me," which is also the title of my favorite song.

The official site doesn't list any shows near Mississippi for the moment. Although, I did come across some really cool t-shirts for the band. They're cheap, too! I wouldn't mind having one for Christmas... there's still time. :)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Latest Crush: Tim Fite

This dude is everything entertaining and creative. He not only sings with an amazing one of a kind voice, but he creates. He makes short films, story books, sketches, and loads more on his website at are lots of fun things happening on his website, especially all of the free downloads and sharing.

Go visit, listen, and watch. You'll feel incredibly lazy and unproductive due to the heaps of "creative accomplishments" belonging to my new crush Mr. Tim Fite. I promise.

My favorite song from "Fair Ain't Fair":
Isn't he great?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Why Gaga? 'Cause I Gotta

Lady Gaga is play in New Orleans on December 27.


  • the costumes
  • the sets
  • the dancing
  • the ridiculousness of it all
  • and to dance like a fool with my friends.
Also, I relish in the fact that it's going to really piss off my 12 year old niece.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Vivian Girls!

These chicks have it all. I love them.

They are playing soon in Jackson at Hal and Mal's bar on Saturday, October the 17th.

I'm going! ***Contact me if you're in the area and want to talk carpool. :)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Cutest Fucking Band Alive...

The band Matt and Kim are so cute and happy. Their music makes me want to go to a good concert and get all sweaty and worn out, while their lyrics make me want to hug everyone at the concert, especially the sweatiest mofo there. Here is the Matt and Kim Myspace page.

Thanks to my lil' sis for introducing me to them. She is truly in love with their song "Daylight," which makes me love her even more. This one is for Jordan:

"And with just half of a sunburn, new yellow lines that I earned.
Step back and here comes the night time.
Step back and here comes the night time."

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Pharrell's Golden Boys...

Chester French is the new project of the musical genius Pharrell Williams. I've only heard two songs, but I like-a what I hears. Their look perplexes and intrigues me; like rich, arrogant, and stylish Ivy-Leaguers who decided to start a band, but were actually pretty good at it.
They have a very preppy, East Coast elite feel and it seeps through into their music and lyrics. They have a song called "Jimmy Choo's", so the girls they're playing with must have some fliff. The band is very influenced by the 1960s rock 'n roll bands, but has "unconventional beats." I'm looking forward to listening to more of them, but right now I'm pretty stuck on this tune of theirs (the official video couldn't be embedded, sorry): "She Loves Everybody"

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Auto-Tune Sensation

Auto-Tune is taking over the world. It isn't just found in the music business anymore. Auto-Tune is showing up in the news and even kids' commercials.
Come on.

It seems like only yesterday when T-Pain stole our little hearts with his Auto-Tuned melodies. Now almost every R&B and hip-hop (musician?) entertainer jumped to board T-Pain's robotic, pitch perfect boat (*smirk) known as Auto-Tune. Still, let us not forget the true front runner in all of this Auto-Tune business was a little lady named Cher. Oh yeah, remember "Believe" the 1998 Cher song? Well don't, 'cause it's magic.

We've come a long way from 1998, now even the news has the Auto-Tune touch. The newest popular project on YouTube is the "Auto-Tune the News" videos, which aren't just witty and funny, but actually inform. The latest Auto-Tune the News video grazes over the topics of the Climate Change bill, Sarah Palin quitting her post as governor, and Michael Jackson's death.

Still, the most random place I have heard Auto-Tune used is the latest Chuck E. Cheese commercial. No lie. I have not found the commercial on the internet, but if you tune your television on a children's channel you'll be sure to come across it. You may be as weirded out as I was or just laugh at the large corporation's stunt to appeal to kids, though you really have to give credit from a business angle. Alas, it doesn't feel quite right now that Chuck E. Cheese and T-Pain are in the same boat, but it is pretty fun to imagine.

Auto-Tune is reaching its height of glory, but some have already grown weary of its use. And who could blame them? Jay-Z never would. After some playing around with the Auto-Tune in his previous work, he proves he prefers and IS the true thing. He wrote a song named "D.O.A. (Death of Auto-Tune)" calling for all other rappers to stop "singing too much. Get back to rap. [They're] T-Paining too much." Well said, Jay-Zizzle.

Sidenote: Jay-Z looks pretty damn sexual in this video.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Aphex Twin vs Four Year Old:
Give it a second for the happiness to warm you up.

***Video stolen from Living Ears blog.

Like me and Lykke Li...

My latest obsession is the hip, sweet-voiced Swede Lykke Li. Her album Youth Novels came out in 2008. "Little Bit" is one of my favorite songs.

Her music is surely loveable, but what I also completely adore about Lykke Li is her style. The way she layers with different shades of black and white or muted colors is skilled. Also, her accessories are always interesting and just enough; framing everything and adding the right final note to her outfit. My favorite outfit of hers I have seen is in the "I'm Good, I'm Gone" acoustic video. Her heavily lined eyes, tight hair, and tight pants do their job. The girl look right.